TUCANfilm presents

film in concert

  • Dating Planet A - Jonathan Hofmeister, Jan Brill und Alex Bayer "Hotties" spielen live zu Johannes Felders Film
  • Dating Planet A - Jonathan Hofmeister, Jan Brill und Alex Bayer "Hotties" spielen live zu Johannes Felders Film
  • Dating Planet A - Henning Sedlmeir, Jonathan Hofmeister, Jan Brill und Alex Bayer "Hotties" spielen live zu Johannes Felders Film
  • Dating Planet A - Jonathan Hofmeister, Jan Brill und Alex Bayer "Hotties" spielen live zu Johannes Felders Film

“Dating Planet A” is the name of a laconic and expressive kaleidoscope of images and music by the artist Johannes Felder and the musician Jonathan Hofmeister. A cinema concert experience with live music by the band “Hotties” that fuses film and music. This sometimes funny, sometimes touchingly poetic image and sound puzzle is about being in the world, its beauty and vulnerability. Merging cinematic short stories about the ground we stand on, its danger and at the same time its magnificent diversity. And all of this with a gripping acoustic and visual pull.

There is no Planet B, but that doesn’t lead to dystopian despair in „Dating Planet A.“ But rather an attitude not to wallow in hopelessness, but rather to swim free artistically. The film takes a look at the world, people, their inescapable connections and the misunderstandings that arise from this co-existence. Despite the threat of alienation on a rapidly changing planet, Felder and Hofmeister invite the audience on this shared adventure to find a place in front of the cinema screen and listen to the immediate appeal of live film scoring.

A fast-paced, beautiful, and at times really funny tapestry of images and sounds

CURT Magazine

Film and music intertwine with each other, without boundaries, so that sometimes you no longer even notice that the music is being created LIVE in the hall!

Johannes Reichert – countertenor

The brilliant rush of images and sounds will keep us busy for a long time and provide plenty of material for discussion.

Even a third time would be a pleasure!! I really enjoyed it and find it super impressive!

“A palm tree and a man in a pool. That’s enough!“

If you want to experience the impressive symbiosis that sound and image can create, this is the right place for you. An experience that entertains, stimulates and challenges. Really cool

This was food for the head, the eyes and the ears! And above all: food for a lot of emotions 😉Thumbs up twice. 👍👍Thanks for diving in.

It was a very, very nice experience. And since then I’ve been pleasing my family with Bee Single and Hotties Radio 🙂

Any time! I insist on abundance as my birthright!

What is being achieved is impressive, a crazy idea, simply brilliant. The cinema was packed. Thank God I had a card***

After the performance, we had a series of beautiful images and sounds in our heads that accompanied us all the way home.

When the lights come on at the end of the performance, you leave the cinema feeling melancholy, but not hopeless.

Matthias Tröster


Sep 14, 2024
Nov 27, 2024

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